D187 Opening Day 2023

North Chicago Community School District 187 Staff Opening Day sets the tone for success!

District 187 kicked off the new school year with a bang on Thursday, August 17, with its annual Staff Opening Day. A packed auditorium of teachers, administrators, and support staff across the district attended the North Chicago High School Auditorium event.

The day began with a welcome from District 187 Superintendent Dr. John Price, who spoke about the importance of collaborating and teaming up to create a successful school year. Dr. Price also highlighted some of the district's initiatives, including focusing on personal relationships and community while addressing educational obstacles caused by the recent pandemic. District staff was then treated to a visit from Congressman Brad Schneider, who helped congratulate the North Chicago Student Media Team for all their hard work and contribution to spreading the student perspective of North Chicago. 

Following Dr. Price's address, attendees participated in various workshops and training sessions. Topics included classroom management, leadership in the community, and technology integration. There were also opportunities for networking with colleagues and sharing new resources.

"Opening Day is an important tradition in D187. It is a family reunion and a celebration," says Dr. Price. "This is one way we prepare to greet the new year and start off strong with our students."

Staff Opening Day was a lively and exciting affair that set the tone for a successful school year. District 187 looks forward to welcoming students back on August 21 and is confident the staff is ready to provide them with a quality education.

More from District 187:

To learn more about District 187, please visit our website at www.d187.org, or download the mobile application NCCUSD 187 on Google Play or Apple's App Store.

If you would like to view the efforts of the North Chicago Student Media Team, please visit their Instagram @ncch.sports & @ncchsdaily.

Click here to view pictures from Opening Day 2023-2024