August 29, 2022 Dear Parents: I am writing to inform you that today two different students in two different classrooms reported to school staff that they developed a rash while at school. Each child was seen by the Health Aide at the school and sent home with parents. The rashes do appear to be clearing up quickly. We believe at this point that they are related to dust that may have been on some desks in these classrooms from recent construction completed just before the start of school. Out of an abundance of caution, we have reported the three cases to the Lake County Health Department and we will be completing a deep cleaning of the school this evening. That will include disinfecting each classroom and all bathrooms as our routine protocols require. We will wipe down all surfaces again to make sure that any dust inadvertently left from construction is cleaned. Please check with your children tonight. If your child has a rash of any kind, seek medical assistance and inform the school Health Aide at AJK. Sincerely, Malika J. Rodgers Principal Estimados padres: Le escribo para informarle que hoy dos estudiantes diferentes en dos aulas diferentes informaron al personal de la escuela que desarrollaron un sarpullido mientras estaban en la escuela. Cada niño fue visto por el asistente de salud en la escuela y enviado a casa con los padres. Las erupciones parecen desaparecer rápidamente. Creemos en este momento que están relacionados con el polvo que pudo haber estado en algunos escritorios en estos salones de clase de una construcción reciente que se completó justo antes del comienzo de clases. Por precaución, hemos informado los tres casos al Departamento de Salud del Condado de Lake y completaremos una limpieza profunda de la escuela esta noche. Eso incluirá desinfectar cada salón de clases y todos los baños según lo requieran nuestros protocolos de rutina. Limpiaremos todas las superficies nuevamente para asegurarnos de que se limpie el polvo que haya quedado sin darse cuenta de la construcción. Por favor consulte con sus hijos esta noche. Si su hijo tiene un sarpullido de cualquier tipo, busque asistencia médica e informe al asistente de salud de la escuela en AJK. Sinceramente, Malika J Rodgers
about 2 years ago, Malika Rodgers
Remember to join us tonight from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm at the high school! ¡Recuerde unirse a nosotros esta noche de 4:00 pm a 7:00 pm en la escuela secundaria!
about 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
Countdown to the First Day of School.... Monday, August 29! Cuenta Atras Para El Primer Dia De Clase....Lunes 29 de Agosto
about 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
Welcome Home D187/Bienvenidos a casa D187!
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
D187 has hired more trained social workers and counselors. The district has increased the number of people here to help and has hired more social workers and counselors to support our students and families.  Second Step Program. D187 continues to use the Second Step Program to support our K-8 students. Second Step is a social-emotional learning program that teaches various social and emotional skills such as emotion recognition and management, empathy, problem-solving, bullying prevention, and goal-setting.  NewRoot partnership. The district has a multi-year partnership with NewRoot — an organization focused on creating stronger relationships and positive environments in our middle and high schools, two cornerstones of our approach to working with young people.  Peace Room at NCCHS. We have created a Peace Room at the high school where students can go for quiet reflection when they need a break and to gain skills they can use to solve problems with peers and adults.  CYN Counseling Center partnership. D187’s partnership with CYN (Community Youth Network) Counseling Center allows our students to receive individual and small group therapy, completely free of charge.
D187 has hired more trained social workers and counselors. The district has increased the number of people here to help and has hired more social workers and counselors to support our students and families.  Second Step Program. D187 continues to use the Second Step Program to support our K-8 students. Second Step is a social-emotional learning program that teaches various social and emotional skills such as emotion recognition and management, empathy, problem-solving, bullying prevention, and goal-setting.  NewRoot partnership. The district has a multi-year partnership with NewRoot — an organization focused on creating stronger relationships and positive environments in our middle and high schools, two cornerstones of our approach to working with young people.  Peace Room at NCCHS. We have created a Peace Room at the high school where students can go for quiet reflection when they need a break and to gain skills they can use to solve problems with peers and adults.  CYN Counseling Center partnership. D187’s partnership with CYN (Community Youth Network) Counseling Center allows our students to receive individual and small group therapy, completely free of charge.
Good Afternoon AJKA Families, Summer In-Person Support for Registration will be held at Forrestal Elementary School Monday, July 11th & 18th from 8:30-4:30.
over 2 years ago, Malika Rodgers
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
**ATTENTION** June's Board Meeting (6/28/22) will be "On The Road" at Green Bay Early Childhood Center at 6:30 pm.
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
D187 FamiliesD187 Familias
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
Last Chance - D187 Families/Última oportunidad - Familias D187 Thursday, May 19 @ NMSA (Door 9) 5:30 - 7:30 pm/Jueves, 19 de mayo @ NMSA (Puerta 9) 5:30 - 7:30 pm
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
D187 Music Department Presents... D187 Departamento de Música Presenta...
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
D187 ISBE Update
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
United by a Ball Mundialito 2022
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
Remember to join us today @ 5:00 pm/Recuerda unirte a nosotros hoy a las 5:00 pm
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
Remember to join us today @ 5:00 pm/Recuerda unirte a nosotros hoy a las 5:00 pm
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
You're Invited/Estas invitado
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
Every Day Matters/Todos Los Dias Importan
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center
As you may be aware, AJK had an incident today involving a student that required police response. Out of an abundance of caution, students were required to remain in classrooms while administrators and available staff worked to deescalate the situation. No weapons were involved. We are committed to ensuring the social and emotional needs of our students and staff are met at all times. Measures have been taken to immediately address the safety needs of the child and the school. A safe learning environment is everyone’s top priority. We sincerely appreciate the support of our parents and staff. Sincerely, Malika Rodgers Principal Como sabrá, AJK tuvo un incidente hoy que involucró a un estudiante que requirió una respuesta policial. Por precaución, se pidió a los estudiantes que permanecieran en las aulas mientras los administradores y el personal disponible trabajaban para reducir la situación. No hubo armas involucradas. Estamos comprometidos a garantizar que las necesidades sociales y emocionales de nuestros estudiantes y personal se satisfagan en todo momento. Se han tomado medidas para abordar de inmediato las necesidades de seguridad del niño y la escuela. Un entorno de aprendizaje seguro es la principal prioridad de todos. Agradecemos sinceramente el apoyo de nuestros padres y personal. Atentamente, Malika Rodgers Principal
over 2 years ago, Malika Rodgers
D187 Families The Family Care Closet will be open this Thursday, March 17th from 9:00 am - 11:00 am and 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm. **Will be closed during Spring Break** ************************************************************************************* D187 Familias El Family Care Closet estará abierto este jueves 17 de marzo de 9:00 am - 11:00 am y 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm. **Estará cerrado durante las vacaciones de primavera**
over 2 years ago, Parent Resource Center